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World Alzheimer’s Day, 21 September 2019


by Premier Hospitals | September 21, 2019 |

Alzheimer's is a degenerative brain disease that causes memory issues and other cognitive problems. Usually, it is caused when the functions of the brain cells are interrupted due to the functional failure of the brain proteins. In such conditions, brain cells may lose their connections, degenerate and finally dies. However, the exact reason for the cause of Alzheimer's is unknown. But there are a lot of underlying conditions that lead to Alzheimer's. Lifestyle and environmental conditions can also affect your brain over time. Though the permanent cure for Alzheimer's disease is yet found, treatment can reduce the progression of symptoms. On this World Alzheimer’s Day as a part of social responsibility we, Premier Hospital want you to know about this Alzheimer’s condition. Treating symptoms can help to regain lost functions. However, early diagnosis and treatment is always the ideal way to treat Alzheimer's disease.