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Home > Dr Suresh Babu P

Dr Suresh Babu P

Neuro Physician


Self-directed and driven senior consultant with a comprehensive background leading disease diagnosis, treatment analysis and working with cross – functional teams to ensure optimal care to the patients. I work with physicians, and hospitals one-on-one to find the most rewarding opportunities. An innovative thinker with strong acumen in outcome analysis, and managed care services. Actively look for ways to address operating room efficiency while achieving physician and patient satisfaction. Focused on providing top notch service, product and valuex. In today’s ever-changing healthcare market, I strive to stay ahead of the change and be a proactive partner in the healthcare community. I received my undergraduate degree from Christian Medical College, Vellore and currently I am working as a senior Neurology and Epileptology consultant at PREMIER HOSPITALS. 

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Doctor's Education


Doctor's Experience

11+ years
of total experience

Doctor's Specialization

Specialized in
Senior Neurology and Epileptology Consultant

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