by Premier Hospitals | July 31, 2019 |
Do you observe the following symptoms in your child?
- Swelling, redness, or tender joints
- Recent injury
- Limping or trouble walking
- Fever
- Weight loss
- Rash
- Loss of appetite
- Fatigue or weakness
If you are thinking that it is because of excessive physical activity at school, then you might want to rethink a little.
Beware! Joint pains affect not only Adults but also Children.
If your child is complaining of joint pains:
We may think of it as an excuse that the child is making for skipping school or avoiding some stress at school. But no, kids too can have joint pain and it can cause a lot of discomfort. Studies reveal that around 3,00,000 children suffer from joint pain yearly, out of which approximately 50,000 children are known to be the victims of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis or JRA.
To know what causes joint pain in the kids, continue reading this article. It provides you with detailed information on joint pain in children, causes, symptoms and treatment options available.
Joint Pain is Not Just For Adults
Joint pains are frequent in children. These pains are termed as growing pain. The areas of pain include thighs, behind the knees, or calves. Preschoolers and preteenagers are highly prone to growth pain. However, these pains are not harmful and do not indicate any severe health conditions. The features of growing pains are as follows:
- Pain, especially during evenings or nights
- Pain interrupts the childâs sleep
- Pain that affects both legs
- Pain accompanied by headaches and abdominal pain
Causes of Joint Pain in Children
The causes of joint pain in children are a few severe diseases, such as:
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis can be one of the most common causes of joint pain in children. It also causes swelling in one or two joints affecting the movement and strength of joints.
Lupus: Lupus is an autoimmune disorder affecting every organ of the body. It causes pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joints. It is a long term condition mostly seen in teenagers, especially females.
Lyme disease: Lyme disease is an infection spread by insects called ticks. These insects carry a bacteria known as Borrelia burgdorferi. When this insect bites a child, he or she may experience joint pain for 3 weeks.
Leukaemia: Leukemia is a blood cancer in children. Children with leukaemia may experience frequent joint pain.
Osgood-Schlatter disease: Osgood-Schlatter disease is the most known cause of joint pain, particularly in sporty teenagers. In this condition, your child may experience pain just below the kneecap.
Symptoms of Joint Pain in Children:

Your child starts experiencing symptoms when the cause behind the joint pain is much more serious than growing pains. The symptoms which your child may experience include:
- Swollen, redness, or tender joints
- Recent injury
- Limping or trouble walking
- Fever
- Weight loss
- Rash
- Loss of appetite
- Fatigue or weakness
Diagnosis of Joint Pain
Joint pain can be diagnosed by examining the childâs symptoms and previous medical condition. However, if your childâs doctor suspects anything serious, he or she will order fewer imaging tests such as blood tests, X-rays to determine the underlying cause behind your childâs joint pain.
Treatment For Joint Pain

Firstly, your childâs healthcare provider will suggest some home remedies to help your child relieve the pain. If these home remedies are proven to be inadequate, he or she may recommend over the counter pain medications. However, there is no specific treatment available for joint pain in children.
Primary Treatment For Joint Pain:

The primary treatment for growing pain includes home remedies and medications.
Home Remedies: The initial treatment for joint pain is the RICE method. The home remedies your healthcare provider may suggest helping ease your child's discomfort:
- A warm bath: Warm bath can help your child relief from pain or discomfort. It also promotes good sleep.
- Massaging: Massaging can help your child feel better. When your child feels pain, gently rub and massage the painful area.
- Stretching: Stretching the painful joints can help your child in preventing the symptoms. Always consult your doctor before doing any such stretching exercises, because they can be challenging.
- Warmth: Warmth the painful area with a heating pad or hot water bottle, so that your child will feel relaxed. However, avoid these items during sleep.
Painkillers: When the home remedies cannot provide enough relief, your childâs healthcare provider suggests few painkillers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. However, never give aspirin to your child, doctors never recommend aspirin for children, because they can cause life-threatening health conditions such as Reye's syndrome.
Secondary Treatment for Joint Pain:

The secondary treatment for growing pain include:
- Activity restrictions
- Bed rest and traction
- Casting or bracing
- Physical therapy
- Crutches or wheelchair (in some cases)
- Surgery (Osteotomy, Osteoplasty)
When To Call A Doctor?
Call your doctor if your child.
- Pain lasts long
- Experience morning pain
- Fever accompanies pain
- Less active than earlier
- Have unusual rashes
- Appears tired or week
Never neglect your childâs symptoms as they can indicate severe conditions such as arthritis, infections, and muscle problems. Consult our child's primary healthcare provider at Premier Hospital as soon as possible because the early detection of the problem is vital to receive appropriate treatment.
Nowadays, most of the children today are suffering from joint pain. Your child is not alone. But, there are several treatment options available which can help your child gain relief from joint pain and restore joint mobility. Premier Hospital providing high-quality child care in Hyderabad.
Schedule your appointment now to protect your childâs physical and emotional health.
Do not neglect your childâs symptoms as they can indicate severe conditions such as arthritis, infections, and muscle problems.
Consult a Childrenâs healthcare centre immediately!
Early detection is important for appropriate treatment.
Premier Hospital provides high-quality child care in Hyderabad.
Schedule your appointment now to protect your childâs health.
About The Hospital:
Since the inception of Premier Hospital in 1991 till today, we have grown to unprecedented levels, due to our excellence in medical sciences and healthcare. Premier Hospital is the creation of
Dr Mahesh Marda and when it was first established, was only a small, 30-bed hospital facility. Back then, we provided only secondary care to patients, but that certainly has changed in the present landscape.